Saturday, January 6, 2007

First meeting 01-20-07!

Hi all,

"2-Hog" Ryan Hill and I have figured out a good location and a time for our first Portland Drink 'n Draw!

We're going to hold it at the Rose and Thistle, at 2314 NE Broadway, at 7:00PM on Saturday, January 20th. There's a big dining room area in the back we should be able to use. They tell us they don't take reservations, but there shouldn't be a problem bringing in a group of 15-20. I'm not expecting too many more people than that.

Bring your pens and pencils and sketchbooks! We will provide 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, but you'll have to bring anything else you want. We can swap sketchbooks and do some jam comics or something. It'll be fun!


Victoria Koldewyn said...

any chance of seeing pics/scans of jams and such? er, not like you have enough to do already....wish I could join you but thanks for the long-distance offer! hope a good time is had by all..

Lindsey Kuper said...

Second the request for pictures!